Gotta love them Warblers! (:

Sunday, May 22, 2011


So, I know I've been a bad logger lately seeing how I haven't posted anything...
Oiiiy. I have drawings on the way to post, so do not worry! :D

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fallen- Bruno Mars.

Here's another little drawing of done in the last few months:

Not bad for my third realistic drawing, hmm?
Anyway, this picture sums up a pretty normal day.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fallen: Mr. Darren Criss

Okay, so this is mainly to share my art and get other's opinions about it! C:

Alrighty, so this is my very first finished realistic human being drawing! The noes looks a little off, and if I ever have a chance to re-do this picture, I would definitely change that first! Anywho, I hope this is a good first impression, and I would love if you would give me feedback! I have another at the moment, but let's see how this one goes first.

Thanks a bunch!


Hey I'm FallenNephilim! Nice to meet you! On this blog from time to time I'll share of random moments in my life that will either suck, be some of my art, er...just stuff that will make no sense to anyone but moi.